WELCOME, KARIBU SANA to all our new supporters
To all those who have signed up since our last newsletter

Amina Msaghaa (left) is the co-ordinator of the Mufunsi Women’s group, and Agnes Yesaya is the regional manager for Singida. Between them they organised and ran the latest round of training with the help of trainer Dickson Shenkalwa.
Following a 4 month break due to Covid restrictions, 58 tailors from around Singida were given a week’s intensive training in the use and maintenance of their sewing machines by Dickson Shenkalwa. He has had long experience of working with us and with tailors in Tanga region. Joel Tangai is the SIDO* Business Development Officer, and he then spent a week coaching the tailors in business management.
This was part of the final phase of our #KeepThemSingersSinging project jointly funded by the Welsh Government’s Wales Africa Grant Scheme and Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity.
*SIDO is our long-standing Tanzanian partner, the Small Industries Development Organisation.
Magdalana’s story
Magdalena Alex is a resident at Kirumba area in Mwanza. She has been a tailor for five years, owning three sewing machines. She is among the project beneficiaries who have been helped by one of the fundis trained by our project.
“Zacharia is not only a good and confident fundi but he charges a very reasonable cost comparing to others. I really commend him for adding another skill to his profession, a decision which makes him both busy enough, earning more income for his family and also supporting tailors in our area. I urge other youths to also diverse their skills, and thanks for the project which supports such issues. Thank you.” See her full story here
Fifteenth container leaves Wales
On 27th October our fifteenth container left Wales headed for Dar es Salaam. Weighing in at over 15 tonnes and including 163 sewing machines, this was one of our heaviest shipments. The pic shows some of the excellent wooden crates made by our volunteer Andy Pyne which will be re-used to deliver tool kits to the carpenters around Mwanza. The ship is due to arrive in Dar on 30th December.
Our workshop has been hit by the lock-down, but tool donations have been doing very well – THANK YOU

Social distancing means far fewer volunteers in our workshop. To make up for this we have increased our open hours and Ian Horn has been juggling names and time slots to keep the workshop buzzing. As all the events we were due to attend this year have been cancelled, we have been much more dependant on shop sales for our income.
“ebay Ian” has done wonders with ebay sales for us and these have increased dramatically over the past 6 months. We now have plans to build a new ebay area to accommodate and send off all those specialist tools and whatsits that have been pouring in.
Fair Trade tools arrive at last

After 9 months of waiting due to Corona problems, the latest batch of Fair Trade tools has arrived. They come complete with handles made by John Mtlingi in our Mwanza workshop. He has turned them from short pieces of old spade handles we sent last time.
These are now available in our shop or online
Not just Tools – You can RECYCLE your old printing cartridges
We are now a collection point for Recycle4Charity. All printer cartridges are accepted as part of their programme, apart from Toner / Laser Cartridges. We get £1.50 on average for each cartridge. So either drop your old cartridges into our shop, or order a free label and nominate TFSR Cymru to be your favourite charity. Thank you . . .
Certificate of Appreciation from Hakiztu
We have been working with Hakizetu Young Women and Girl’s Rights Organisation in Mwanza for over 7 years. In that time we have provided many sewing machines for them to teach young disadvantaged women to earn a living. Many thanks for this appreciation Cunegunda.
Maria Bundala is one of the many young women who has been assisted by Hakizetu. Here she is using a sewing machine from Wales.
Many thanks for all your support and donations that
have helped us to keep going through these difficult times
You can donate to TFSR Cymru here