Bariadi district in Simiyu had been supported by TFSR/SIDO projects for the past three years during which artisans have benefited from toolkits of almost all trades. This year the project reached a new district called Meatu. It is about 60 kilometers from Bariadi and is all rural. Victoria is a member of Vawega tailors group at Meatu and after receiving sewing machines from the project had this to say on behalf of her group:
‘We never knew that there is such a project in our region. We have been visited by so many people including wazungu [Europeans], from well, I don’t even remember where but all were busy with disease campaigns and mobilization, and; at the end they disappeared! I remember one day a friend of mine came from bariadi, visited our group and told us stories about a project called TFSR in Simiyu which works together with SIDO. She said the project supports tailors especially women with high quality sewing machines. We were all (group members) impressed by the good news and asked her for details on how to access the support. After some communications we finally invited the Project Officer to visit us who informed us more about the project and; lastly we got five very good machines and at a very friendly cost. We are very happy first, to get these machines and second, to be one of the first few groups in Meatu to benefit from the project. I believe the project will continue supporting us and may be, in future other people will follow suit. Please send our greetings to your friends and colleagues at TFSR and may God bless all of you. Thank you
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