Container No 9 away to Mwanza
Phil poses in the now traditional manner – 15.1 tonnes of tools with one hand!
We wanted to paint the container before sending it, but to save time we are asking SIDO to paint it when it arrives. It left last Thursday after a final drive to find those tools wanted by our Mwanza workshop. We aim to send enough tools for 200 kits, but this is always a bit of an unknown quantity, as until the the requests come in, nobody knows exactly which tools are asked for.
Also included were 150 sewing machines for Singida and Tanga regions – these were all expertly refurbished by Lynne and her team. This is the first time we haven’t sent any treadles – the plan is for the treadle bases to be made in Tanga and put together with our hand machines when they arrive. This is already happening for treadles going to Singida.
This shipment is all due to those of you who responded to our Easter appeal for funding – especially our Fairy Godmother and Godfather – A BIG THANK YOU to all of you!
ETA in Dar is 25th July – watch this space . . .
This is an artisan who has just received his tool kit from the Mwanza workshop. We will tell you who it is next time, when Emmanuel let’s us know!
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We are now busy in our tool selling season

Thanks to all those of you who have brought us tools – either for Tanzania, or tools to sell to earn us funds.
Embroidery using a straight stitch machine
Rahagani Women’s group in Tanga are training young women to do pretty fine embroidery using an ordinary sewing machine. This is good news as those old machines are far stronger than the modern embroidery machines that everyone is asking for. All those teachers and trainers please note . . .
That’s all till next month . . .